Fields with
are required to complete the command
Fields with
are optional to complete the command
Commands containing ✨ are premium commands
All /rcon-
commands are for only evrima branch, rest is for legacy branch.
is default prefix
/balance [@username]
Check yours or other users balance
/bind <add/remove> <STEAMID64>
Bind your own STEAMID64 to discord account for current server
/blackjack <amount> [reset]
Play a game of blackjack, closest to 21 wins. Dealers stops drawing after 17. Use reset option if you have a game going on to forfeit the game
/buy <gender> [server]
Buy fully grown dinosaur using points, if you have safelogged a dinosaur it will keep it's current location and color patterns. You need to be safelogged in order this to work
/chicken-fight <amount>
Gamble your points in a chicken-fight, each win will award 1% extra win rating. Loss will reset down to 50% win rate
/coinflip <amount>
Gamble your points in a static 50/50 game
Copy colors from your current dinosaur in-game, remove saved colors or apply saved colors to your current dinosaur
/create-dinosaur <STEAMID64>
Admins can create a fresh dinosaur using menus, file can be sent to all servers or directly stored to users storage slot. This will overwrite current one
Earn some points with high chance losing percentage of your total balance.
/dice <amount>
Gamble your points using dices, get your total number over 10 and win 4 times your original bet
/edit <command> [option] [value]
Most of the server settings can be adjusted using this command
/edit-cooldown <command> <time>
Adjust cooldown for each commands here, use seconds for cooldown or 60m/1h/1d as cooldown
/edit-price <command> <value>
Adjust price or reward for each command
Earn some points with even highest risk losing your points. This was former /slut
/gameadmin <option> <STEAMID64>
Add or remove admins in-game, needs to be a steamid for this to work. This won't take effect until server gets restarted
/gamechat <chat>
View in-game chat using game logs
/give <amount>
Give your own points to other users
Will give general tips and tricks or helpful links
/information [server]
Display useful stats about your current in-game dinosaur or stored ones, will display location and various stats
/leaderboard [page]
Displays wealthiest members in current server
/load [server]
Load one of your saved dinosaur in storage, you need to be safelogged in order this to work
/motd <option> [text]
View or edit servers Message of the day, server needs to be restarted in order to take effect
/player <STEAMID64> [server]
Check users current in-game dinosaur or stored dinosaurs. This is a admin version of /information
Check your stats and general info about storage. This is not live information, do not take last seen dinosaur as a fact. Use /information
for accurate info
/points <option> <user/role> <amount>
Allows admins to give points to selected user or users with a selected role. For giving points to everyone just tag everyone
Check current prices for each dinosaur
Earn some points doing 32 different quests, you need to be safelogged in order to get accurate information
Send announcement to a server, this is only for evrima
Send automatic announcement to a server with intervals, this is only for evrima
Ban a player, this is only for evrima
Kick a player, this is only for evrima
Setup RCON connection for evrima
Display playercount using a voicechannel
/request <gender> [server]
Request a juvenile sandbox or survival dinosaur for free, if you have safelogged a dinosaur it will keep it's current location and color patterns. You need to be safelogged in order this to work
/role-income <option> <role> <time> <amount>
Add automatic payouts for selected roles, this will give users income
/roulette <bet option> <amount>
Gamble your points using roulette, each option has own win rate and rewards according the win rate. Bet options: 0-36 single numbers, odd, even, red, black, green, 1-13, 13-24, 24-36. Multiple people can join the spin
/save [server]
Save your current in-game dinosaur using points to a free storage slot. You need to be safelogged in order this to work
/sell [server]
Sell your current in-game dinosaur for points, server owners can choose how much dinosaur is worth. Full grown dinosaur with 50% sell value will sell for half the price of original buy value, if under 1.0 growth value will be reduced. Dinosaur needs to be adult stage in order this to work
Display all the information about the server
/serverstatus <option> <#channel>
Query information from steam and display it to a discord channel, gets updated every minute.
/setup <ftp> <password>
Setup command for legacy, check out Quick Start for setup information
/slay [server]
Slay your current in-game dinosaur or clear a storage slot using points
/slots <amount>
Gamble your points using a slot machine, 🦕= 2x win, 🦖= 6x win, ✨= 8x win, 💎= 11x win
Swap your current in-game dinosaur using points with one of the storage slots. You need to be safelogged in order this to work
Swap gender of your current in-game dinosaur using points
/teleport [server]
Teleport your current in-game dinosaur to a different location using points
/user [@user/STEAMID64]
Edit users cooldowns, remove settings or view information about user. You are able to ban or unban in-game selected user here
Earn some points with no risk at all
Last updated