Fields with
are required to complete the command
Fields with
are optional to complete the command
is default prefix
/addmarks <user> <amount>
Give alderon marks to a player in-game, player needs to be online
/announce <text>
Send announcement to everyone
/auditlog <#channel>
Relay all of your active webhooks to a channel, this will include player messages
/auto-announce <text>
Send automatic announcement with a timer
/auto-moderation <option>
Bot will monitor in-game chat and kick out players who say common bad words
/auto-teleport <option> <location>
Will auto teleport players to set location every time they spawn in
/ban <user> <reason>
Ban a player in server
Cancels ongoing restart timer
/custom-command <command> <time>
Send 5 different command chains in a row with intervals between them. Example: restart loadcreatormods setweather sun
/demote <user>
Strip all roles of a player
/givequest <user> <quest>
Give a player specific quest
/grow <user>
Set players dinosaur fully grown
/heal <user>
Heal players dinosaur
Links to useful websites
/kick <user>
Kick a player
/kill-reward <option> <amount>
Reward players marks for killing other players
Show current players in server
/logs <option>
Show commands used in discord or webhook logs
/passive-income <amount> <reward>
Give players marks for playing in server
/playerinfo <user>
Check more specific into a player
/promote <user> <role>
Give a player in-game role
/random-weather <time>
This will change weather automatic with a timer
/rcon <command>
Send RAW rcon command to server
/removemarks <amount>
Removes marks from a player in server
/restart <time>
Starts countdown for a server restart
Display server settings, generate webhooks
/server-status <#channel> <option>
Send a player count to a discord channel, updates every minute
Change time of the day, clear bodies, heal everyone, save or load server
/setmarksall <amount>
Will put everyones marks to a certain value, this will overwrite current players marks
/slay <user
Kill a players dinosaur
/time <time>
Change servers time
/unban <user>
Unban a player
/weather <weather>
Change weather in server
/whisper <user>
Send a private message to a player
Last updated